Paris-Roubaix cap throwing spectators offered a deal to avoid legal action

Paris-Roubaix cap throwing spectators offered a deal to avoid legal action

A woman accused of deliberately throwing a cycling cap at Mathieu van der Poel during his ride to victory in Paris-Roubaix has been offered a deal to avoid charges of intentional assault and battery.

The incident took place in the 2024 edition of Paris Roubaix at 42 km while van der Poel was in the midst of a triumphant solo breakaway. The women could be seen throwing their hats towards Van der Poel's bike in the video. Fortunately, the ricocheted cap did not get caught in his drivetrain or cause any other problems.

The Flemish woman is accused of throwing a cap with intent to harm van der Poel, but claims that there was no such goal.

However, the French Cycling Federation (l'association Nationale des Coureurs Français) has decided to file a complaint with the police for "intentional assault and battery". On Friday, the union said三つの条件で苦情をドロップするために提供しました ...

The union wants to become the face of a public campaign to encourage safety from "Les Amis de Paris-Roubaix" volunteers, a volunteer group that helps women admit wrongdoing and maintain cobbled sections of the race route, and ultimately cycling fans.

The woman has not yet been named and her anonymity would be removed if she agreed to the terms, her lawyers said they would consider.

"We received a proposal from the Cycling Union," her lawyer says. "We will now discuss it thoroughly to see if we can respond to it."" My client wants to take responsibility, but I want to see the proposal first."
