Please participate in the survey and drawing!

Please participate in the survey and drawing!

Do you prefer to pedal, or do you prefer electric, or do you prefer a basket, or do you prefer GPS? Whether you cycle only on sunny weekends, race, suit up for the Monday morning commute, or spend the winter months in a virtual world of indoor trainers, we want to hear from you.

The cycling world is changing faster than ever, and we want your input to help us keep track of all the trends.

Cycling can be an expensive hobby for some, with various kits to make your rides more enjoyable and gadgets to improve your fitness and keep you on top of your game. By contrast, some people use their trusty bikes that they've been using for years! We'd love to hear what you really think about the top brands and what makes a great bike or simply a cost-effective bike.

This cycling survey will take approximately 6-8 minutes to complete. As a thank you for your time, you will be entered into a drawing to win an Amazon voucher* worth £250 or $300 (depending on your location). *This survey will close on September 26, 2019, so don't delay. Good luck!!!

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